The blooming thoughts of the Greenfingeredlib!

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Monday, 1 August 2011

My dilemma...

that we're into the second week of the summer holidays and my 'to-do list' is growing longer rather than shorter, despite working very hard (Year 12s can vouch, as can two English teachers) and as yet I'm merely glancing at the 23CPD.

From the quick glance, it seems that some of it will be quite easy to get up to speed with, e.g. professional networks, reflection (encourage some of my Sixth Form tutor group to keep a reflective learning diary especially if they're thinking of nursing or the arts) but a tool I'm keen to try is Evernote.

So, just how does one keep the balancing work balls in the air before hitting one on the head and do CPD at the same time AND sit and listen and mentor Yr12s going into Yr13 about Uni, life and the universe? Same old conundrum is it not which I find the answer always is: Think I'll go and make a cup of tea.

I'll post some time soon

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